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Via Marconi, 23, Valdilana (Biella)



Ermenegildo Zegna brought the name and excellence of his company to the world, but it’s never stopped looking at its origins, so it’s decided to reforest a barren land with the Trivero Wool Mill, founded in 1910, which reflects the idea of ethical capitalism and sustainable development. Around the factory, since the 1930s, has been growing what’s today known as the Oasi Zegna - a protected yet open to all area of 100 square kilometers where thousands of rhododendrons have been planted. The permanent exhibition "From Sheep to Shop" tells the story of over 100 years of a family business that has been committed, for four generations, to realising the vision and ideals of the founder: quality, innovation, social and environmental responsibility.

Events near Casa Zegna
Casa Zegna

Via Marconi, 23, Valdilana (Biella)


Parte di Fondazione Ermenegildo Zegna fin dal 2007, Casa Zegna valorizza e promuove il patrimonio e i valori del Gruppo Ermenegildo Zegna, la cui radici affondano nella visione del suo fondatore. Lo spazio multi-funzionale di Casa Zegna comprende vasti archivi tessili e spazi espositivi dedicati alla conservazione e alla divulgazione di oltre 110 anni di storia di stile e imprenditoria responsabile. Casa Zegna rappresenta le radici di Zegna, un luogo in cui i visitatori possono ripercorrere la strada tracciata dal fondatore verso il futuro.


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