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Luciano Bonino

Via Domenico Alberto Azuni, 50, Cagliari (Cagliari)

Luciano Bonino

The golden ratio between a house and an atelier. In via Azuni 50, in Cagliari, a building steals your attention for its decadent charm. Beyond the atrium, you enter the splendid world of Luciano Bonino's fabrics. The story of his experience as a stylist, or tailor - as he prefers to be called - is intertwined with fabrics, antiques, books and trimmings; the ancient traditional Sardinian dress and its Spanish origins, the stories of forty years of life. Different cultures and love for sartorial craftsmanship are the soul of his creations and memoirs.

Events near Luciano Bonino
Luciano Bonino

Via Domenico Alberto Azuni, 50, Cagliari (Cagliari)

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